How to Appeal your Amazon Suspension
You may have been suspended by Amazon because of an error on your end. Or, maybe you were mistakenly targeted in a recent crackdown on counterfeit sellers. Either way, it's not too late to get back into the Amazon game if you can appeal your suspension and show that they made a mistake. In our last article we went over how to prevent getting suspended and how Alpha Raven can help. Now let's go over some tips for appealing your suspension and getting back up and running again as soon as possible.
The first thing we want to touch on is gathering the evidence. If your account has been suspended usually Amazon will let you know why the account was suspended. So, if it's because of an infringement on copyright or an overwhelming number of negative reviews, make sure you've gathered all of the information needed to state your case before you submit your appeal. As we talked about in the last article there's certain things in your control that you can do to prevent the suspension such as following Amazon's requirement for their shipping times, product policy compliance or customer performance feedback.
If you feel like you've followed all of these then it could be something out of your control caused the suspension. What we mean is there could've been a change in Amazon's policy that your product inadvertently infringed on or you could've been the victim of "black hat" sellers that hijacked your listing which can drastically affect your customer performance feedback. To learn more about protecting your account from Hijacking you can read our article here: https://www.alpharavenhouse.com/blog-posts/protect-your-amazon-listing-from-hijackers
Your main step when appealing a suspension is to submit a Plan of Action letter. There may be other steps needed but, in this post, we're discussing the basics of what you want to include for Amazon to review:
- Address the issue head on, let them know you understand why the suspension was handed down. Whether or not you agree with it is totally different. This is about getting your account back so you may need to let cool heads prevail and just acknowledge the issue.
- Let them know what actions you've taken to fix the problem. The keyword here is "taken". Amazon wants to know that you're being proactive in correcting the mistakes so make sure you've already done the necessary things to fix the issue before you submit the Plan of Action letter.
- Address how you will prevent this from being a recurring issue in the future. Amazon doesn't want to have to deal with the same issue from the same seller, if it happens again, your listing could potentially even be banned and that's not something to come back from. List what measures will be taken to prevent this from happening again in the future.
- Include ALL evidence you have to support your case. Screenshots, receipts, documents, emails. The more the better as it gives Amazon visual proof that the issue at hand is being resolved.
If you have been the target of "black hat" sellers that hijacked your listings you could find how to appeal that suspension via the article linked above.
In conclusion, if you've been suspended by Amazon because of an error, it's not too late to make a Plan of Action and get your account back!